As part of my summer to-do list, I have been revisiting how my softpots data behaves. When I had originally programmed them, the sensors naturally rest at 1023. I wanted them to be sitting at 0 when at rest. The solution was to reverse the values with a [scale] object, as well as to use a [line] object to bring the values back down to 0 smoothly when I released the sensor. However, there was a drawback because whenever I released the softpot, the values would quickly jump to 1023, then smoothly step back down to rest at 0. At the time, I could not see a way around this and the result was a kind of accent. Therefore I used it to my advantage in my pieces by purposefully making these "snap" accents in "Colour of the Birds' Cries" and in "Fire and Ice".
Now that I looked more closely at the [line] object for "Losing Touch", I felt like there really was a way to prevent the data from "snapping" when I released my softpots. I explain my solution in this video. Although, I don't know if I'll ever use the solution because the "snap" had become an integral part of my previous pieces, and I do not know if I want to continue using the "snap" for my future pieces, or not. At least I figured it out so the option is there.
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