In 2023 I married Kevin Mitchell. All my publications are under my previous name "Ko", and if I have any new publications in the future I will continue to use "Ko" for consistency.
Conferences and Journal Publications
Bell, A., Datoo, A., Matterson, B., Bahhadi, J., Ko, C.(2022, February) Assessing accessibility: an instrumental case study of a community music group. Music Education Research.
Ko, C., & Oehlberg, L. (2021, July) Construction and Performance Applications of an Augmented Violin: TRAVIS II. Computer Music Journal 2021; Vol 44 (2-3), pp. 55–68. Ko, C., & Oehlberg, L. (2020, July). Touch Responsive Augmented Violin Interface System II: Integrating sensors into a 3D printed fingerboard. In Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME20), pp. 166-171.
Ko, C. (2020, February). Kindred Dichotomy: Duet for TRAVIS I and II with Max MSP/Jitter. Performed at the Alliance of Women in Media Arts and Science (AWMAS), Santa Barbara, California.
Ko, C. (2018, Oct). TRAVIS: Touch responsive augmented violin interface system. Poster presentation at IAST: Conference for Interactive Art Science and Technology, Lethbridge, AB.