I did a lot of testing with strip file 2Strip_L269.5_Hole8.stl with the Arduino. It was printed with a layer height of 0.1mm and triangle pattern. I compared The Dominant strings and the Evah Pirazzi’s, and combined them with a series of different resistors.
G Dom The voltmeter reading is consistent with the string testing in that everything is much more stable. I am actually estimating more confident readings with this than the last test strip that I tested with the Arduino. none: 20-85 1k: 105-375 3.3k: 260-720 4.7k: 330-750 10k: 510-850 22k: 710-945 47k: 845-975 G Evah none: 20-85 1k; 108-300 3.3k: 255-685 4.7k: 325-700 10k: 500-840 22k: 705-930 47k: 855-1003 D Dom none: 16-70 1k: 105-245 3.3k: 255-645 4.7k: 330-545 10k: 518-805 22k: 705-915 47k: 845-970 D Evah none: 20-105 1k: 110-450 3.3k: 265-640 4.7k: 340-750 10k: 515-840 22k: 715-920 47k: 850-980 A Dom none: 20-50 1k: 108-440 3.3k: 245-630 4.7k: 330-550 10k: 505-840 22k: 705-930 47k: 845-975 A Evah none: 15-50 1k: 95-120 3.3k: 235-490 4.7k: 320-595 10k: 500-740 22k: 685-805 47k: 845-920 E Dom This string fluctuates more than the rest of the strings that come in the dominant pack. 22k must have been a mistake as I was brain dead by the time I got here. none: 15-33 1k: 90-250 3.3k: 215-370 4.7k: 295-550 10k: 380-630 22k: 650-450 47k: 815-885 E Pirastro Gold This one is more stable than the dominant E. none: 18-60 1k: 105-400 3.3k: 250-540 4.7k: 315-765 10k: 500-885 22k: 640-915 47k: 830-985 E Evah none: 15-45 1k: 102-250 3.3k: 205-560 4.7k: 320-660 10k: 480-740 22k; 670-920 47k: 840-940
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