I initially had hooked up the LIS3DH via I2C and for the past couple days I've been trying to figure out how to write in the arduino code to handle two I2C addresses. Something that is so simple and used a lot, yet I couldn't seem to properly convert example codes of other sensors and LCD screens to my sensors.
Well I was looking at the Sparkfun hookup guide for the LIS3DH again and noticed that it also has the capability to hook up via SPI!!!! So I figured out how to do that, then combined the TCS34725's I2C sketch with the LIS3DH's SPI sketch and voila! I am getting sensor data from both! It still bothers me that I couldn't get the multi I2C going because I think that's important to understand. But now that it works I can at least move forward with my instrument. Also, I read online that people think SPI is better than I2C because it's faster. Although, it does take up more digital pins, and means more circuitboard soldering for me. I had previously figured out how to combine the analog pin 16 channel multiplex with the LIS3DH, but that was the I2C version of the ardiuno sketch. Now I need to go back and combine the multiplexing sketch with this new colour sensor + accelerometer sketch! :)
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