So this whole time I've been programming the HUZZAH feather with my old windows laptop because not a single ESP8266 board will compile the blink example on my Mac. If I go back to old blog posts, I wrote about the problem in more detail in the past. It requires deep computer surgery and I'm not quite ready to do that on my Mac just yet.
Since I know that I have the code to print the sensor data through UDP and Serial simultaneously, I wanted to use that to add the wireless method to my Arduino to Max GLOBE bpatcher. I would use the matching serial and UDP readings to know which outlet to hookup to for each sensor. I thought it would be easier to do this all on my Windows in case if I needed to re-program the ESP8266. However, I was then having lots of troubles getting Max to print the data through Serial. I was confused because it was printing finr through the serial monitor while also printing through UDP. I finally figured out for whatever reason, my Windows has become unfriendly when it comes to allowing Max to print through Serial. It says that it's connected to port E and sometimes it will print, other times it won't. I have to delete the "e" in the argument of the Serial object and add it in again to get it going (sometimes). I tried plugging into my Mac again, and it was fine. So now I have the problem that I can only program the Arduino code on my Windows, and I can only use Arduino to Max (wired) on my Mac. Once I have everything finalized, this won't be an issue. But for troubleshooting purposes, this is kind of annoying. In the end I added the capabilities to toggle between serial and udp in the bpatcher. I added a little accelerometer mapping. And I started on my dissertation.
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