Trying to get all the work done that requires a makerspace ASAP. I 3D printed battery cases that I will glue onto the back of the disc inside the ball. I 3D printed a little case for the time of flight sensor, even though I'm not sure if I could get it working or not. But I lost the sensor this morning so I couldn't take it with me to measure the case to the sensor. I also sewed tubes to slide the LEDs in to help block the light. I wanted to double layer the fabric, but it was too difficult to sew. If the lights are still too bright, I can dim them more in the arduino sketch, but the dimmer they are, they don't show the true colour as well.
I found the time of flight sensor when I got home. I have made some adjustments to the case and will 3D print it again another time, assuming campus remains open. I posted on the polulu forum asking about changing the address of the time of flight sensor. Apparently it is possible and I'll have to look into it. Of course I find that out after I ordered an I2C multiplexer... I've spent a lot of money for this project on stuff that I end up not using... :(
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