I started up the instrument today to find that everything I figured out last night with the colour recognition is not working properly. I'll redo it, but if it goes wonky tomorrow, I'll forget about it and try something else with it. I realized that if the ball shifts in it's stand, then it messes up the colour sensor readings.
I also found something similar here: https://cycling74.com/forums/max-msp-colour-detection-help-needed I'll first figure out my FSR mapping and then maybe come back to this after. I've mapped the FSRs to the chromatic C scale. I'm using CNMAT's [bowedbar~] object to make them sound kind of like a marimba-like instrument. At first I really liked the timbre of it, but now I'm feeling like it doesn't quite work with everything else. Maybe I should play around with it to make it sound different. Or figure out another simople synth. I added electrical tape to the two FSRs that bleed into each other so that I can tell by their texture which ones they are.
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